“What we do anywhere matters, but especially here. It matters very much. Mesas and mountains, rivers and trees, winds and rains are so sensitive to the actions and thoughts of humans as we are to their forces.
They take into themselves what we give off, and give it out again.”
– Edith Warner 1942
“It was a terrible irony that brought the makers of bombs to the quiet Otowi crossing.
But Edith Warner stands in the history of those desperate times as a kind of rainbow, a sign that war and bombs are not all that men and women are capable of building.”
– Phillip Morrison, scientist at Los Alamos
The House at Otowi Bridge
inspired by the book
The House at Otowi Bridge: The Story of Edith Warner and Los Alamos is a true story by award-winning author Peggy Pond Church originally published by University of New Mexico Press.
At 5:29 a.m. on July 16, the Trinity Test explosion of the first atomic bomb changed the world forever. Although the Manhattan Project was still top secret, everyday people witnessed the test, experienced its light and power, felt the earth move, and knew the world had changed.

2023 Upcoming Free Events:
Tuesday April 15th 8pm Violet Crown Cinema Santa Fe
Join Producer Bruce Gelfand and legendary Film Director Chris Eyre following the viewing of Oppenheimer to talk about the movie

Otowi Film is a partnership dedicated to the production of this project.
1940's Los Alamos, New Mexico

We would LOVE your Support
We welcome your involvement, support, and contributions to this project.
All donations are secure and will help our development fund to get this project off the ground.
Thank you to our Partners in New Mexico

Bradbury Science Museum